Monday, November 10, 2008

Production Stage Final Movie

For my project, I would like to portray how people feel about friendship as it relates to family, and for most people how friendship can evolve to something bigger.  Today the social issue involving family is, when people say "blood is thicker than water" and consider friends their blood. 
For my storyboard of this video, I have a sketchy idea right now. I will start my project by interviewing 2-4(time permitting) about what they feel either friends or family are and then asking the relationship between the two.  I then will talk wit a peer of mine about a specific situation when friendship was almost as important as family.  I will then tie the two together with a brief comment by one of the previously interviewed people about the relationship of family and friends.  I then will talk with my mom about how her friendships, with her being older have evolved over the years and a specific episodes when she found friendship to be most important.  I haven't quite decided how I will then end my video yet, however. 
I began to interview people for my beginning and transitions.  I interviewed them in separate places so that they could not hear each other's answers.  I did this because I did not want any one's answers to influence the next.  However, I think that I will interview a few more people just to see if I can get some better footage and a variety of answers. Maybe for my final I can have one younger like college kid and one older person, just so that it can kind of foreshadow my movie. 
Nonetheless, I like the direction my movie is going in at the moment.  I think that it will be an interesting story when it is done.  However, it still has potential to go in a few different ways pending on the anecdotes I get from people and the responses they have to my questions. 

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