Monday, November 17, 2008

Post-Production Stage Final

I got a lot of great footage of my mom while I was interviewing her for the "This I Believe" video.  My mom was a good subject because she had a lot of stories and experience, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to interview her on the subject.  I think that I also got some good footage of my family interacting on Thanksgiving and both friends and family at my god mother's bridal shower.  When I was going through my raw footage some of my shots were kind of shaky so that is why I decided to try to get some interactions between family and friends.  I also thought that by getting some of that footage I would be able to add some variation to the movie so that it wouldn't be just talking. My ideas for the video were continuing to evolve as I got more footage.  One of these ideas were to use the interaction footage I got along with the voice over from my original footage of my mom.  I utilized my new found knowledge of how to separate audio and video, which Lucas taught me, to fully achieve my final product. This being so, I believe that my final product was a success. I think that I achieved my goal of finally starting to be able to have a product that I am proud of that utilizes different aspects of iMovie and its features.  In addition, the subject, my mom, that I chose to analyze such a sincere and interesting social issue had very insightful stories and experience that people should hear.

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