Monday, November 3, 2008

Brainstorming For Video

Evolving of friendships
Living life full out
Friends to the end
I think that I may do my next video on friendship and how friendship evolves. BUT Im not quite sure yet how this may be possible since it is such a abstract idea. I think that maybe I could show some people that I know who have been friends for years. Now that I think about it, over break I could possible follow my mom around and see how the many friendships she has evolved over the years.  My mom has so many friends that I swear we can hardly go anywhere without someone saying Dawn is that you or someone yelling out Dawnie. This being so, she does have friends that she grew up with that she still spends time with and friends that she has known since grammar school.  My mom works a lot now so she doesnt see them as much but she keeps in touch using all our family minutes every month.  Usually over holiday breaks, we see and visit all her close friends or they come to my grandma's house to visit. 

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