Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vertov's Film & Manifesto

After watching Vertov's film, I believe that he stuck to his manifesto quite sincerely.  His film was not only a documentary but it did use subtitles or any other such mediums to portray the events with words.  He left the interpretation to the audience which I beliebe that is something that is not only apprectiated by the creative mind now but also the creative mind in his time.  I think the way that he shot his film with the subject switching from scene to scene but the overall themes staying the same allowed the video project to come together. In the film it was as if Vertov's filmed people in their natural states and habitats. He went from scene to scene exploring his own creative process while using the people around him to do so. He then, in some fashion, connects all these distant situations to create an entire story.  

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