Sunday, September 28, 2008

Self Reflection & Assessment

After getting the audience response, I feel like for my first video project, I did a good job.  I know that I had a lot of comments and questions but I feel like my video was my video and that it expressed me.  Although, I took in both the critical and encouraging advice I got about my project.  I do feel like, after seeing some of the projects in class, that I can improve mine. With the comments that I got and some helpful advice on how to actually use the program, I can make a brilliant film.  I did get the kind of response from the audience that I thought I would after hearing the responses after the other films.  All though there were some things that people said that I don't think I could control.  For instance, it surprised me when someone told me to watch my shadow, which I think could b done but would be hard for the effect I wanted to use.  I made my whole film in like dark tones and being outside in the dark with a light, it is kind of tough to not see a shadow. Also, I when I watched my finished project, I didn't think that they actually made my film bad.  In all actuality, I thought they showed my creativity more so than usual and when I went home this weekend, I showed my whole family. Nonetheless, in the end, I think that my project came out well and that the audience's responses will definitely help me with my next film.  In addition, I think that I do well by starting to brainstorm while filming and then pinpointing what I want the film to be about, for my final project. 

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