Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Process

When I was trying to decide what I wanted to do as a my motif project, I started off filming an array of things.  I filmed while we were outside playing catch, swimming, and in the house just talking.  Then I decided that I would do a film on shoes since I love shoes.  I was just in my room looking at my floor like, I sure do have a lot of my shoes down here.  At first, I wanted to show how people use shoes in their everyday life. Just by showing people wearing shoes doing certain things and having shoe interludes. I was also just going to show all my shoes, but I ended up having to many to see all at the same time.  In the end, I did end up doing something of the sort but I kind of flipped it.  I used more of the people wearing shoes an the shoe interludes in the same capacity. I also ended up having to separate my shoes into 3 different categories, Jordans, Air Force Ones, and then just everything else.   However, I did add titles and music, which I think enhanced just the showing of my shoes.  I would like to ask an audience, "Did my film capitvate you?", "Did you like the selection of music I chose?", and "Would you ever watch my video again?"

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