Tuesday, September 30, 2008

10 Questions

1. Do you feel, after the recent events, do you think we are in a recession?
2. What is the makeup of a good economy?
3. Do you think the economy will continue to get worst?
4. How do you feel about the recessionary period?
5. Why do you think the economy is so bad?
6.  Who do you feel is to blame for the downfall of the financial system?
7. How do you think the economy will pull itself out of the recession(like events, financial companies being bought or sold, or presidential changes, etc.)?
8. When do you think the economy will become stable again?
9. How do you think this recession will affect our generation?
10. If we are in a recession, do you feel it affects everyone the same?

Hampe Advice

Get Good Footage
Have Footage that expresses the documentary
The Camera cant do all the work
Don't question people, let them tell their stories

Talking Points

Why has it got to the point where people don't read or cant make time to read?

What has caused documentaries to become so renowned and well respected?


10 Things I Saw Today (Monday)

5. coach Purse
6. Vomit
7. Rave across the hall
8. Facebook Chat
9. Gas Scam
10. Homer Simpson House shoes

Monday, September 29, 2008


I feel like there is a big difference in learning certain subjects through conversation and through just reading. When it comes to things such as street knowledge or smarts or a topic of experience, I think that it is way easier to learn by hearing it and interacting in conversation.  Conversation allows for people to ask questions, argue their points, acknowledge success and failures, and gives face to face advice.  Nonetheless, when you are trying to learn more technical things that you have no background knowledge or are very specific to you having all information correct, I think that it is better to use a book.  Things of this sort can easily be mixed up and told incorrectly so regular word of mouth or conversation may cause mistakes.  

Quick Write

I believe that documents tell you a lot about whatever they are creating documentation for.  However, I do believe that while documents can often be truthful and shed light on a situation, they can also be very deceiving.  The way the document is written, who is written by, and the envoirnment that it is written in often play a major role in how documentation will turn out.  I think that these things will sway a documentor and often cause documents to eithier seem subjective or objective. For instance, Tabloids often catch celebrities doing things that regular people do everyday.  However, since they are celebrities people make different inferences and treat the situation entirely different.  

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Self Reflection & Assessment

After getting the audience response, I feel like for my first video project, I did a good job.  I know that I had a lot of comments and questions but I feel like my video was my video and that it expressed me.  Although, I took in both the critical and encouraging advice I got about my project.  I do feel like, after seeing some of the projects in class, that I can improve mine. With the comments that I got and some helpful advice on how to actually use the program, I can make a brilliant film.  I did get the kind of response from the audience that I thought I would after hearing the responses after the other films.  All though there were some things that people said that I don't think I could control.  For instance, it surprised me when someone told me to watch my shadow, which I think could b done but would be hard for the effect I wanted to use.  I made my whole film in like dark tones and being outside in the dark with a light, it is kind of tough to not see a shadow. Also, I when I watched my finished project, I didn't think that they actually made my film bad.  In all actuality, I thought they showed my creativity more so than usual and when I went home this weekend, I showed my whole family. Nonetheless, in the end, I think that my project came out well and that the audience's responses will definitely help me with my next film.  In addition, I think that I do well by starting to brainstorm while filming and then pinpointing what I want the film to be about, for my final project. 

10 Things I Saw This Weekend


7. Aeropostale Hoody
8. Book Fair
9. Rapping Story Teller
10. Strawberry Shortcake


4. Kids doing the Cha Cha Slide
5. Clouds With Fog covering Them
6.Police Officers
7. Hamada Restaurant
8. WNBA basketball
9. College Football Game on TV
10. 6 Cases of Water


2.Car accident
3. Balloons
4. Range Rover on 24s
5. Akira
6. My little sister
7.Spinning CDs
8.Coach Watch

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Process

When I was trying to decide what I wanted to do as a my motif project, I started off filming an array of things.  I filmed while we were outside playing catch, swimming, and in the house just talking.  Then I decided that I would do a film on shoes since I love shoes.  I was just in my room looking at my floor like, I sure do have a lot of my shoes down here.  At first, I wanted to show how people use shoes in their everyday life. Just by showing people wearing shoes doing certain things and having shoe interludes. I was also just going to show all my shoes, but I ended up having to many to see all at the same time.  In the end, I did end up doing something of the sort but I kind of flipped it.  I used more of the people wearing shoes an the shoe interludes in the same capacity. I also ended up having to separate my shoes into 3 different categories, Jordans, Air Force Ones, and then just everything else.   However, I did add titles and music, which I think enhanced just the showing of my shoes.  I would like to ask an audience, "Did my film capitvate you?", "Did you like the selection of music I chose?", and "Would you ever watch my video again?"


Reflections On Bordwell

The Bordwell article opened up my eyes to all the different views and interpretations people can have about film.  I think that the viewers of films often go into the films thinking that they know what the basic plot is and thereby trying to guess and reveal the underlying plot throughout the film.  In addition, I think that Bordwell's use of the Wizard of Oz example really helps to reiterate and illustrate his point.  I never thought of the way that he portrays The Wizard of Oz, its plot, and the form that it follows.  The pointing out of the form in this movie just made me think of how form is in everything we do.  

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Inspiration Box

Do You
Reach for the Ocean
Shoot for the Moon Cuz even if You Dont make it you will land in the stars
Prom Queen
These are the days of our lives
What Goes Around comes Around

Change for the Better Not the Worst

Money Changes People
Trust No One 
Sweet Baby Rays

Married to the mob
Gossip Girls
Sex & The City


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vertov's Film & Manifesto

After watching Vertov's film, I believe that he stuck to his manifesto quite sincerely.  His film was not only a documentary but it did use subtitles or any other such mediums to portray the events with words.  He left the interpretation to the audience which I beliebe that is something that is not only apprectiated by the creative mind now but also the creative mind in his time.  I think the way that he shot his film with the subject switching from scene to scene but the overall themes staying the same allowed the video project to come together. In the film it was as if Vertov's filmed people in their natural states and habitats. He went from scene to scene exploring his own creative process while using the people around him to do so. He then, in some fashion, connects all these distant situations to create an entire story.  

Reflecting of 1st Project

1. As I look back at the noun verb project, I was very spontaneous when I took my videos.  I did not want to lock myself down to having rituals for like wen I recorded or where I recorded. That being so I just basically recorded things that I thought would be entertaining. I mean I took things that I see on an everyday basis and put them together to make the video.  However, I did go through several phases while I was putting the video together. I went through all my footage to find the little clips that I liked the most.  Then I just let the creative process go to work.  I added and deleted things over and over, back and forth, just to see how it would add to this video that could only be 30 seconds.  Nonetheless, I actually like my final project. I didn't actually know what it was initially going to be so it didn't actually ever the potential for disappointment. Yet, I am actually proud of my work, this being my first movie. 


My blog will openly express the thoughts and views I have about life and my surroundings.  I will work on my video projects in a creative setting so that they can express me. I would like the work that I do to be enjoyed by the people who see and watch it.  This being so, I would like to add as many extras such as music and transitions that will enhance my video and its viewing quality. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

10 Things I Saw Today

2. Sleeping With The enemy
3. Tears.
4. Can of lysol
5. Zyrtec
6. Soup
7. My new Bestfriend
8. Shocking Facebook Gossip
10. Broken Nail

Monday, September 15, 2008

10 Things I Saw Today

5. Two Practice Tests
6. Cold Medicine
7. Pillow
8. Concerned Friends
9. Soup
10. Bottle of Water

Fears...Noun Verb Project

The project

Sunday, September 14, 2008

10 Things I Saw This Weekend


7. Expressway Flooded
8. Sams Club
9. Maggiano's Little Italy Restaurant
10. Movie "A Family That Prays"


7. Two Boys having a Ping Pong Tournament
8. Retention Area Flooding
9. Heels with Zippers on them
10. Miles and Miles of Highway

1. Beauty Shop
2. C.I.R.C.E.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

10 Things I Saw Today

8. Potbelly
9. Lip Gloss
10. People running in the rain