Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Production Stage

I chose to record Hip-Notic dance team.  It is often hard to record dancing, especially when there is a lot of people like an entire team. While I was in the field, I did not know what angle to get at first.  It was as if, as soon as I walked in they began to dance, so I didn't have much time to figure it out.  Therefore, my first angle was not as good as I wanted it to be but I did get the entire team which was a plus.  After this, I decided to get on the floor in front of the mirror that they danced in front of.  By doing this, though I had to hold the camera up, I was their audience so they were always facing me.  I felt as if this was a good angle, so I then decided to get Aramie alone.  A surprise that the team gave me was when they saw me filming it was as if they were doing their best and dancing hard!

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