Monday, October 13, 2008

Post-Production Stage

At this point in my production, I am actually very pleased with what I have to work with to make a final project. I feel as if I chose not only a good subject to record in an action setting, but also a subject that interviewed well. Though there were things that if I was able to take more footage I would probably get. For instance I got some footage of the team in a meeting but it was so dark, I could not use it to the best of its content. I do see a few different ways that I can take this project but I think there is one that jumps out at me as the best that I will take on. Nonetheless, at this stage, I think that my video has a lot of potential to grow and be excellent.
I feel like I have all the material I need since I recorded for 3 hours. I do not feel like their is a need to go back and re shoot any of new material. However, there is some material that I took of a meeting that was a little dark that I would re shoot if I had the the chance.

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