Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Family First
Blood is Thicker Than Water
Kids Grow up Fast
Both cats and dogs are bad
Home is where the heart is
Friendship is the Key to Life
Life is What you Make It
Money Makes the World Go round
Sleep is the Cousin to Death
Greed is the root of all evil

2.  Family First
This idea formed when I was about a sophmore in High School and my grandfather passed.  Though this made me maintain my belief much more, I always put my family first because thats what is in my heart to do. 
I firmly believe in this statement. There is no changing my thoughts on it. I try my best to make decisions everyday with the statement in mind. 
I maintain this belief because I believe it helps me to have my priorities in line. 
There is nothing that would make me change my belief.
Greed is the Root of all evil
This idea formed in my head just recently when a lot of my friends started become very greedy and bad situations kept presenting themselves to the friends.
I wouldnt say that I am firmly stuck on this belief, but at this moment in my life this is something I am finding to be true. 
I maintain this because I have seen the bad attitudes, the "2 faces", and even the revenge that occurs when people get too greedy. 
If I saw enough of greedy people in different circumstances such as giving some of their things back to less fortunate, which in turn would actually not make them greedy, or having a loving attitude then I guess I might change my point of view. 

Friendship is the Key to Life 
This idea formed when I was younger. I have always been that girl that pretty much everybody liked because Im the type of person who will not lie to you and I make sure people know that from beginning. Nonetheless, as I got older this belief got reiterated time and time again when my friends got hurt or passed. 
This belief came from my mom telling me to always be a good friend because it will come back to you.
I maintain this belief because not only my best friends tell me on a regular that I am a good friend. 
Once again, there is nothing that will make me change my belief!!!!


I think that are argument can be proposed by anything that proposes a point of view since another person can have a different point of view. 
1. The "leather" cover is neither embossed or leather
2. Not a point of view
3.Not a point of view
4. What makes it the best selling artist
5.  Why is it a warning
6.  How is it belated
7. What is nutrition?
8. What is science fiction?
9. How is it a shirt lapel
10. No point of view

2.  Being that I am in college and language is our basic  means of communication, I use language everyday to inform, convince, explore, make decisions, and to pray.  I think that language is our best tool in life for all these facets. 

4. USDA- nutritious food made from the ground
NIKE- Good shoes made for little money
GOLDEN ARCHES- an unhealthy food chain with clean bathrooms
SEAN JEAN- refinement and Making the Band 4 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Presentation and Distribution

The most important strengths of my project were the dancing transitions and the sound overlay. It is my belief that the sound overlaying the dancing helped to enhance my video. I think that the footage that I got of the team dancing assited my video in its visual appearance. It allowed it to be a break in the video from just seeing Aramie's face to actually seeing what he was actually talking about in his interview. These breaks that I have included, as transitions, are the team dancing. I thought, and after hearing my comments, the class thought that the dancing was a great way to transition from one scene to the next. The angles I got on the dancers and the way that I incorporated not only Aramie but the entire team was also a strength. However, the sound behind the dancing was choppy and distorted so I decided to overlay the interview over the dancing. I have never actually done a sound overlay so it was a big project for me but I knew from my class discussions that it would enhance my project so I took on the task.
As I said the sound overlay was one of my stregths but it was also one of my biggest weaknesses because the sound overlay of the dancing was lower then the sound on the actual video. When the transitions occur, it was not as smooth as it could have been or was intended to be. I actually just did not have the complete knowledge I needed to fix this problem. The audio was fading out a little to early, which made some of Aramie's last words indeciferable and the audience did not like this effect. However, I do feel like my video reachs its targeted audience and is a successful film.
At this point, I do not feel like my video is ready to be distributed to a much wider audience then the actual classroom. Nonetheless, I will provide a copy to Aramie and I would be ok with him showing it or distributing it to the rest of Hip-Notic.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Reflections on Filming and Editing

Now that I have looked at all the film I gathered and began to edit, I think that I can see my project evolving better.  While editing the film, I found that I have a lot of footage that I didnt remember taking that I can use to show the personality of my interviewee.  I feel like editing allows you to keep want you want to keep while shooting you have to get what you can get.  In my process, I think that the two stages of shooting and editing interact and play off each other.  I feel that by shooting the dance team practicing, I got ideas as to what I wanted to ask him during the interview. 

Post-Production Stage

At this point in my production, I am actually very pleased with what I have to work with to make a final project. I feel as if I chose not only a good subject to record in an action setting, but also a subject that interviewed well. Though there were things that if I was able to take more footage I would probably get. For instance I got some footage of the team in a meeting but it was so dark, I could not use it to the best of its content. I do see a few different ways that I can take this project but I think there is one that jumps out at me as the best that I will take on. Nonetheless, at this stage, I think that my video has a lot of potential to grow and be excellent.
I feel like I have all the material I need since I recorded for 3 hours. I do not feel like their is a need to go back and re shoot any of new material. However, there is some material that I took of a meeting that was a little dark that I would re shoot if I had the the chance.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Production Stage

I chose to record Hip-Notic dance team.  It is often hard to record dancing, especially when there is a lot of people like an entire team. While I was in the field, I did not know what angle to get at first.  It was as if, as soon as I walked in they began to dance, so I didn't have much time to figure it out.  Therefore, my first angle was not as good as I wanted it to be but I did get the entire team which was a plus.  After this, I decided to get on the floor in front of the mirror that they danced in front of.  By doing this, though I had to hold the camera up, I was their audience so they were always facing me.  I felt as if this was a good angle, so I then decided to get Aramie alone.  A surprise that the team gave me was when they saw me filming it was as if they were doing their best and dancing hard!

Form and Content

As of now, the only footage that I have been able to collect is the dance group actually practicing and a couple of the people interacting. I think that in this stage of development and acquiring of footage, I haven't actually seen the project come together as I would like it to in the end.  However, as I have seen in previous projects, I think that my creative side of my brain is more of a spontaneous, spur of the moment idea of how I want the final project to be, which comes to me while I am getting footage.  From there I then just add on to my project and tweak it to my liking. Even so, this time with the different stages of production, I am planning my project out a little more then before. 

Monday, October 6, 2008

Project Pre-Production

As of now, I haven't actually decided on which of the two ideas I will actually pursue for my final project.  The content on my project hasn't actually been determined so I don't know exactly how to plan my project.  Nonetheless, I do know that I would like to not only interview my person but also get footage of them doing the thing I am interviewing them about.  I'm not quite sure how I will integrate the two but I want the video to be entertaining, not just talking. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Author's Intention

I think that the author's intention in making that film was not only to inform while entertain, but to also shed light on a lot of New York's landmarks that aren't really being appreciated.  I think that when he made this film he probably saw how all the landmarks were in New York and how they made him feel on a day to day basis.  Im not sure if he already knew all that historical information but if not he did a lot of research and development for a film that seemed as if he filmed in just a couple of hours out of a regular day.  By making the film have this appeal, I think he grasped the audience on a heart to heart level and got them interested.