Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Presentation & Distribution

This being the last project of the semester, I am pleased.  I really enjoyed being able to be an author or not only text but video.  I think that the class is "a fresh glass of water" being that is something so different then anything I have done before.  I think that being so, some of my biggest weaknesses from the project surround my inexperience just with the editing software.  I feel like in the project, the audio, once again wasnt as great as t could be, but I did actually improve.  Another weakness I came across, also on the audio side, is that my music did not actually fade in and out as well as I wanted it to but I think it gave the right impression.  Nonetheless, I think that my biggest strength of my movie was the choosing of the right speakers.  I feel like the people that I interviewed played a big role in my movie and its appeal.  I think that though my movie was a lot of talking, it was informational talking that engaged its audience.  This engagement is both the same and different from text.  By having a video to watch, it is different to engage an audience because it is includes both visual and audio components unlike text.  Making a video as a whole, is fulfilling because it allows you to combine several types of elements into one project. 
I fell that through my video, I was able not only to portray my belief through video but also my purpose in making the video, which was to inform and create awareness.  I think that by my audience's response I can interpret that my video came across vividly.  I think that the audience clearly understood my purpose because it was clear in the video.  This makes me think that I will be and want to distribute this video to others.  The people that I feel will make the most use of this information are teenagers and college students who find themselves in the awkward period of learning about friendship.  Nevertheless, this video has worldwide appeal and may be able to help people of all ages.  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

This I believe Rough Video

My video wont post on my blog. Its on youtube

Monday, November 17, 2008

Editing Final Project

I love to edit my raw material.  I feel like when I am shooting, most of the time, I do not have the time to actually take i everything that is happening at the moment.  When its time for me to go back and edit, I get the chance to experience the of watching not only the show through the video's "eyes" with the angles and sound but I also can see the whole story unfold in my mind.  This is the time when I think the video project actually sees so many stages in my process.  I take the time to change things and play with things.  I feel like this is an opportune time to decide which way you want your movie to be finalized, unlike when you are shooting, you can delete and change things where needed. I believe that actual editing of the movie can be just as important as what is captured when shooting the video.  Nonetheless, in the end, the two stages have to work together for a successful movie to occur.  Though sometimes editing tricks can save a movie, if there is not enough of the content gotten when the shooting is done, there are some instances when all is at a loss. 

Post-Production Stage Final

I got a lot of great footage of my mom while I was interviewing her for the "This I Believe" video.  My mom was a good subject because she had a lot of stories and experience, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to interview her on the subject.  I think that I also got some good footage of my family interacting on Thanksgiving and both friends and family at my god mother's bridal shower.  When I was going through my raw footage some of my shots were kind of shaky so that is why I decided to try to get some interactions between family and friends.  I also thought that by getting some of that footage I would be able to add some variation to the movie so that it wouldn't be just talking. My ideas for the video were continuing to evolve as I got more footage.  One of these ideas were to use the interaction footage I got along with the voice over from my original footage of my mom.  I utilized my new found knowledge of how to separate audio and video, which Lucas taught me, to fully achieve my final product. This being so, I believe that my final product was a success. I think that I achieved my goal of finally starting to be able to have a product that I am proud of that utilizes different aspects of iMovie and its features.  In addition, the subject, my mom, that I chose to analyze such a sincere and interesting social issue had very insightful stories and experience that people should hear.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Production Stage Final Movie

For my project, I would like to portray how people feel about friendship as it relates to family, and for most people how friendship can evolve to something bigger.  Today the social issue involving family is, when people say "blood is thicker than water" and consider friends their blood. 
For my storyboard of this video, I have a sketchy idea right now. I will start my project by interviewing 2-4(time permitting) about what they feel either friends or family are and then asking the relationship between the two.  I then will talk wit a peer of mine about a specific situation when friendship was almost as important as family.  I will then tie the two together with a brief comment by one of the previously interviewed people about the relationship of family and friends.  I then will talk with my mom about how her friendships, with her being older have evolved over the years and a specific episodes when she found friendship to be most important.  I haven't quite decided how I will then end my video yet, however. 
I began to interview people for my beginning and transitions.  I interviewed them in separate places so that they could not hear each other's answers.  I did this because I did not want any one's answers to influence the next.  However, I think that I will interview a few more people just to see if I can get some better footage and a variety of answers. Maybe for my final I can have one younger like college kid and one older person, just so that it can kind of foreshadow my movie. 
Nonetheless, I like the direction my movie is going in at the moment.  I think that it will be an interesting story when it is done.  However, it still has potential to go in a few different ways pending on the anecdotes I get from people and the responses they have to my questions. 

Pre-Production Stage Final

This topic is personal for me because my own beliefs, morals, and values led me to this topic. I believe that friendship is an essential key to life and being happy in life.  I feel like friendship is just one of those things that it is hard to live without.  

I am kind of nervous about my project since we did not see any student samples of this project, I am not sure if my topic relevant.  I do not know if my topic is going to be of interest and fulfill the requirements to get an A.

My project is going to be out how friendship is essential to life and can come about in many different people, venues, and time frames. I want to show this by mainly following my mom around during the Thanksgiving holiday.  My mom has always been a very popular person so whenever she goes somewhere she seems to know someone.  Nonetheless, she has select groups of friends that she is continuously with.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My goal for my project is to show how important friendship is and how it can evolve from beginning to end.  I intend to show how friendship is an important factor in everyday life and how it can be almost essential as water and food.